Solution >> Patient
>> Connect To Your Medical Facility & Physician
Connect To Your Facilities
For Patients and their families and friends, AMRADNET® offers UMEDEX® SOCIAL NETWORK FOR HEALTHCARE - a secure way to connect, share and collaborate with their medical facilities and physicians.
Now, Patients can monitor and manage their own health as well as that of others in their Network.
No need to wait for Films, CDs or paper reports!
You can access your diagnostic information and images online - for up to 10-years.
Patients and their caregivers can review information and also discuss online with medical facilities, primary care physicians and expert physicians about their health, treatment options and outcome.
To search and connect to a medical facility, please click here.
To search and connect to a primary care physician, please click here.
Get started! Sign-up with us to access your health information and to start building your Care Network.
You can access your Care Network from your PC, MAC or mobile devices.
For technical support, send an email to