AMRADNET's Value-Added Reporting

We are taking our service of value-added reporting one step closer to perfection, as we now offer all of the following for our clients –

radiologists ramedical triage

Medical Triage

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Our radiologists are always ready to collaborate with the treating physician in promptly and effectively triaging their patients. After a triage is completed by our radiologists and verified by our clinical team, we relay the final report to our clients. This information is then conveyed to physicians and nurses with easy-to-understand color coding.

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radiologists repeat analysis

Repeat/Reject Analysis

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We take the extra steps necessary, such as evaluating the quality of each and every scan submitted for interpretation, to ensure that the patients are not subjected to excess radiation exposure and subsequent unnecessary costs. Our expert physicians are always ready to work with your team in improving your radiology services.

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teleradiology analysis and reports

Analysis & Reports

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We take the initiative to provide the reports you call for (state-mandated or otherwise). These cover a wide range of reports required by medical facilities, including Diagnostic Imaging Facility Utilization and Service Report, Disease Management Report, Quality Performance Report, Contribution Analysis, and the Calibration Survey Report.

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SALES: 1.877.AMRAD.4.U # 1 | sales@amradnet.com
SUPPORT: 1.877.AMRAD.4.U # 2 | support@amradnet.com
ADDRESS: 2655 First St, Suite 250, Simi Valley, CA 93065
© Copyright 2018